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Wrapping Up the Week: the Mid-Year Slump and More

In my life this week...

I have felt some of that "mental winter fog" that I had back in January.  I know it's just the mid-year slump, but it can be exhausting at times.  Overall, it's been a good week though~I've had some fun with friends and family and am looking forward to more over the weekend.

In our homeschool this week...

It's been something of a struggle to get Mr. B back into school mode after having a few sick days with the flu.  I feel like part of that is my fault.  I need to try harder to be more creative with his learning.  He doesn't do well sitting for long periods of time or doing a lot of writing.  It's easy for me to be creative in some subjects, but not as much in others.  Gotta work on that!  

We have stayed the course fairly well this week though (up until today and I am just wiped out and have a huge list of things to do before tomorrow so I'm adjusting our course for the day...shhh...I have told the kiddos yet).  

Some helpful homeschool advice...

Sometimes it's okay to take a break.  You can learn in other ways, too.  As in: today we will be having the occasional lesson in homemaking;)

Places we're going, people we're seeing...

On Monday The Princess had a friend over for the afternoon.  They had SO much fun playing "Little House on the Prairie".  These two play that every time they get together--or so it seems--and it's really cute.  

On Thursday we enjoyed our homeschool group's Valentine's skating party.  I'm not a big fan of the skating rink, but I had a good time fellowshiping with my homeschool mama peeps.

I'm grateful for...

My husband!!  He is always such a blessing to me, but this week he has really taken it up a notch:)  On Monday and Tuesday he came home to prepare me special lunches, on Wednesday he came home to stay with the kiddos while I got to go grab a bite in peace (with my Kindle) and do a little last-minute Valentine shopping, yesterday we enjoyed a lovely family day together, and tonight we have a hot date!  He totally spoils me!

A photo from this week...

I loved the Valentine boxes the kiddos decided on this year.  They always have so much fun making them with their daddy.  

This post is linked to the Homeschool Mother's Journal and the Weekly Wrap-Up.


Anonymous said…
Those valentine boxes are so cute!! I need to remember your advice on taking breaks!
Those Valentine Boxes are great! I hope you'll consider adding this post to my end of the week link up, Its a Wrap. -Savannah
It must be the week for playing Little House on the Prarie, my girls did that too!
Sharla said…
I have for sure hit the mid-year slump! In the past, once Spring comes around, I often get a second wind and can power through...I hope the same happens for you!

I love those Valentine's boxes...the Lego one is awesome!
Thanks for linking up to HammockTracks and I hope you'll return again this week.

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