This is my Christmas planner. I {heart} it, it keeps me on track. I started keeping it (simply using a blank journal that I already had, nothing fancy) in 2003. Ironically that was the year we had our first child...maybe I was becoming aware of how much more organized I needed to be:)
It's really a very simple process for me. Basically it's all about lists:
- a list for those we're buying gifts (and what we bought)
- a list for stocking stuffers (these are easy to forget about if you don't list them)
- a list for the ornaments we exchange with family members (prevents duplicates)
- a list of any gift items I've bought through the year that may not already be designated
- a list of all the Christmas parties (family or otherwise) that we'll be attending and what, if any, gifts we'll be exchanging at those and what food to take
- a list of community people to give to (postman, neighbors, teachers, etc.)
- a list for thoughts and plans for things our family might like to do this year
Can you tell that I love to make lists? heehee One of the best things about my journal is being able to go back to past years and reference what you bought for whom, etc. This comes in majorly handy!
How do you plan for the holidays? Got any good tips for me? Leave me a comment!!
This post is linked to Works-For-Me-Wednesday at We Are THAT Family.