Wow! This has been one.full.week. It has seriously flown by and been jam-packed~with good stuff though!
We started last weekend off with a visit from my parents. The kiddos were SO happy to see their Nana and Papi. My dad had just returned from Turkey and brought them some real Turkish Delight candy. What a hit! I mean just look at those smiles:
We are huge Narnia fans around here and I have just recently started reading through the entire series with the kiddos so the Turkish Delight arrived at the perfect time:)
Next up we got to attend a Nature Fest at the local nature center. We are still learning about our new hometown and I love checking out events like this. We all had a great time! The kids got to do all sorts of things, such as make birdfeeders, learn about birds, touch a black woolly caterpillar, take a hay ride, go for a walk through the woods and more.
We even got to take a canoe ride on the ponds. I have a feeling we'll be visiting Jeffer's Bend often. Nature centers are a favorite of our family.
In school this week:
We continue to do some review in Math, which is going well. It's not to much review, but seemingly just the right amount to combat summer brain drain:) We are still liking Singapore Math very much.
Language Arts are going well with both kiddos. The Princess is doing great with Total Language Plus and enjoying reading through Charlotte's Web. Mr. B is doing great with First Language Lessons, learning The Caterpillar, by Christina Rosetti and his reading seems to be starting to take off~so proud of him!
Our Science book about astronomy is nearly done~just one more lesson on the constellations and we'll be finished with it. Whoo hoo! It's been a great study.
We've paused a bit this week in our history book this week to read more about Odysseus in The Children's Homer. They are ver
y interesting stories and I thought it would be fun to read them before we moved on from the ancient Greeks.
We talked more about Picasso this week and studied his painting Three Musicians. The kiddos had fun coloring a version of the painting.
There was actually a lot of painting going on at our house this week. The kids spent quite a bit of their spare time around the kitchen table painting~they love to do that and I love for them to do that.
We also celebrated my birthday this week, so our school schedule for Wednesday was pretty relaxed. We like to take birthdays *off* around here.
Since we usually don't do book work on Fridays due to homeschool group meetings, field trips, etc., we used yesterday morning as *home ec* time: time to put the house in order! Then we enjoyed some park time in the afternoon with our homeschool group. And afterwards we took the kiddos to see Dolphin Tale. What a great family-friendly movie, we all enjoyed it! I'm so glad this has been heavily promoted to the homeschooling community. It's worth taking the kids to see. And our support has made Hollywood pay attention! So if you don't have other plans this weekend, you should check out this movie. There is even some FREE curriculum on dolphins that you can download for your kiddos!