Our Thanksgiving week was so wonderful and I have so many blessings in my life. Still counting them...
0481. sisters...'nuff said
0482. hang time with his Papi
0483. hang time with cousins
0484. silly boy cousins
0485. reading with Papi
0486. visiting grandparents
0487. those cheesy family photos...that we always love to look at later
0488. a Thanksgiving day walk with my sweet daughter
0489. the most amazing pumpkin pie ever
0490. sharing a meal with family and friends
0491. an wonderfully blessed meal
0492. teaching my daughter tricks in the kitchen
0493. a hubby who loves my cooking
0494. surrounded by simple beauty
0495. did I already mention my amazing husband? I love him so much!
0496. and I love my adorable (onery, silly, sweet....) kiddos, too
0497. preparing those memorable family meals with my mom and sister
0498. playdates with *old* friends
(Popping over from Ann's "Multitudes")