This past week on our anniversary getaway we enjoyed a beautiful drive through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The thoughtful people from whom we rented our cabin had provided some great brochures on the park for us and one of those was all about the wildflowers that are native to the Smokies. During our drive we (I) got a little carried away snapping up pictures of the beautiful flowers all over. It was sort of like a scavenger hunt and Vince was gracious enough to pull the car over every time I thought I saw one I hadn't seen before. I've included the names of the ones I've been able to identify, but some I'm not sure of. Feel free to leave me a comment if you know the name of them. I think wildflowers have the most charming names!
(Robin's plantain)
(fringed phacelia)
(yellow trillium)
(lyre-leaf sage)
(sweet white trillium)
(thyme-leaved bluets)
(blue violet)
Nice to meet you!