Well, today was the big day at our house~the first day of school!
Overall, it went fairly well and we accomplished all on our lesson plans for the day. It's going to be a challenge to get Mr. B back into his groove (if he ever really had one!) and really we're all still working on getting into the school groove again. It takes a few days, right?
We did have a yummy breakfast of Eggo bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches though and the kids liked their new school year goodies.
It may not look like I got them much, but we really didn't need much in the way of supplies this year. But getting a new notebook is fun and cute erasers are always irresistible. Then there are the necessary snacks plus a fun new folder with printouts of all kinds of fun info (states & capitals, countries & capitals, reading lists, etc.). I look forward to adding to it throughout the year.
I did remember to "schedule" a Brain Break today and it was fun! I've so got to remember to incorporate these often!
Finally, we wrapped up our day by taking the kids to the Lego store's free build for the month and then to Bob Evans for their free meals. (Can you tell we like deals? haha!) It was a fun way to finish our day though.
I'm glad to the "big first day" over, so we can move onto really getting into the swing of things again. It usually takes us a week or so but that's okay.
Now if I could just start getting myself to bed a little earlier!!