From the archives. This was originally published on June 27, 2013. (just yesterday here in Kentucky) Family picnics : these words may bring various visions to our minds depending on our families. For my family these words bring visions of fried chicken, potato salad, baked beans , mac & cheese, pickles, olives, deviled eggs....mmmmmm Yes, as long as I can remember this has been my mom's standard picnic fare. We ate A LOT of picnics when I was growing up. My family owned a camper and traveled quite extensively when I was very young. We hit every state park and national park that we could find for picnics. And my mom would even whip up the a fore mentioned menu in our camper--amazing! I've been hungry for one of those picnics recently and just yesterday my mom was gracious enough to make it happen (see top photo!) . She fried up the chicken and made her world's-best-potato-salad, I baked some beans and made the deviled eggs and we a...