I feel like I may be a little overly ambitious with all of the books that I've got stacked up around here for summer reading. I find that summer is one of the best times for me to read for pleasure. During the school year I read, but not as much for pleasure because I am so busy with homeschooling. So the summer is when I really indulge, staying up late into the night reading. Reading at night is so relaxing...although I can really read anytime at all. So here's what I'm reading this summer: Before Green Gables , by Budge Wilson (currently reading) The Glass Castle , by Jeanette Walls A Wrinkle in Time , by Madeline L'Engle The Red Pony , by John Steinbeck A Movable Feast , by Ernest Hemingway Hind's Feet On High Places , by Hannah Hurnard Mountains of Spices , by Hannah Hurnard The Well Trained Mind , by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer A Thomas Jefferson Education , by Oliver Van DeMille The House of Winslow Series , by Gilbert Morris (I've read the fi...