reading together Whew ! Another week down. Is it still September? This month has seemed really long to me. It's almost over though. I'm ready for a new month, as great as September has been. Maybe it has just seemed long because of all of our starts and stops with school this month. This week was really a pretty rough week. I'm chalking it up to lots of fatigue on my behalf, a son who just. could. not. focus., and ...did I mention that I was tired? That means my patience level was probably pretty low, too, which isn't a good addition. I'm so glad that "tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it"! We had a fun field trip this week to tour the LST Memorial 325 . This ship actually landed on the beaches in Normandy on D-Day. What a history! We really enjoyed our tour and speaking with the veterans who were stationed throughout the ship. with my sister before our tour Th...