Yesterday my sister, Kari , and I decided to check out *Bargains Galore on (Hwy) 64*. It's sort of the local version of The World's Longest Yard Sale. They've been having it for several years now, but I always forget and miss it. This year I marked it on the calendar because who doesn't love a bargain, right? Or at least an opportunity to gawk at other people's junk? Frankly, it makes for some pretty good entertainment! lol And there was much entertainment to be had! At first I was a little self-conscience with my camera, but I finally decided that if people had enough guts to put some of that stuff out, then I had enough guts to take a picture of it. heehee So without further ado, some highlights from our junking adventure: "hair brats", anyone? a scary crocheted hula pig we dubbed this the tourture chair, but Vince informed me that it was probably an old barber chair. ...and, finally, the crowning moment of our day..... a guitar made from a bedpan (yep...