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This and That

I can hardly believe that March is nearly half over already! I really thought we would be settled into a new home by now. This extended-stay with my parents has lasted a little longer than I anticipated. But with the possibility of an out-of-state move we didn't think it would be wise to move into a house here and then have to move again.

However, it's nearly Spring. And I have only a fraction of our Winter clothes with us, let alone any Spring clothes! So I'm probably the only person in our area that gets excited when it stays cold because it means I have clothes to wear:) And I can't even tell you how tired I am of the ones I have with me...haha But on the other hand, I am very grateful to have clothes to wear.

School has been a little rough lately. We're all a little (ahem...a lot!) tired of having our stuff in storage and not having our usual space and some days we've just needed to get out of the house. When we're out it takes our focus off of some of our daily frustrations and we are able to get a better perspective. We've taken several field trips which you can read about here, here, here and here. We've had some wonderful family days!

At the house though we've had lots of disruptions and whatnot. Vince has tried in vain to convince me to just let it go until we get settled, but I am determined to persevere and press on!:) Visions of doing school the entire summer are not much of a thrill to me, so onward we go! Some days are very good, some not so much, but that's life and we will survive. I am learning which hills I don't want to die on and what is a mountain worth climbing.

I would like to say that I'm getting through this transition with much grace. But I don't think I've been very graceful. I've had more than my share of teary meltdowns lately. Not to mention being snappy with my family. But I feel as though I've turned a corner. I will not let this season of our lives beat me. God has amazing plans for our family, I know that in my heart of hearts. Even though some days I can't see the sun at all (figuratively speaking) I know it's there and it's going to break through soon. I refuse to become bitter and jaded by life. And while life has thrown us some very unexpected curve balls, we will make it through by the grace of God.

Believe it or not, I have actually begun to pray for patience. I know. Terrifying, right?! I've never really had the nerve to pray for that before, but it has been made painfully obvious to me lately just how much I need to have that fruit of the Spirit working fully in my life. And I desperately want His fruits working in my life.

And I'm amazed and humbled by the *little* things that God does to let me know He hasn't forgotten me. Several time lately I've received an encouraging email or a facebook message from people who had no idea just how much I needed to hear an encouraging word. Those *little* things have made my day many times over and blessed my heart deeply.

Even simple, sweet comments here on the blog have lifted my spirits many times. So, thank you! Thank you very much for reading, for commenting, for being my friend. I do love it here and I am enjoying this journey with you.

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