This week flew by for us~how about you? In fact, I found myself wishing for uninterrupted days at home. That didn't happen a single day this week. Oh well, there's always next week, right?
Monday came bright and early and we were able to get some school work done before The Princess and I took off to meet up with her Girl Scout troop (all fellow homeschoolers) to deliver the cookies they were donating to our Crisis Center for Women. The girls enjoyed their excursion~especially since it included lunch at McDonald's.
Tuesday came ridiculously early as we were off on a road trip for the day to Oklahoma and Missouri. You can read all about it here. I attempted some school work in the car, but there was only a little accomplished.
Wednesday was a much more productive day, but still full of interruptions. I find that it's so hard to gain any momentum in the afternoons and if those mornings are a loss then the whole day is nearly a loss. Please say I'm not the only one who has this problem!
Thursday morning our area's big children's consignment sale began so my mom and I hit that~using the divide and conquer technique, because you need it at those things! We were very successful, too, and I've now got the majority of the kids' summer clothing for a fraction of the cost. Do you like to buy clothes for your children at consignment sales? We love them!
We did have a productive time of school that afternoon~thank goodness! I should mention that this week we mostly played catch-up on our school schedule from last week. But that's okay, we're getting right back on track. I think it's better to take things a little more slowly to get back into our schedule rather than trying to cram so much into a day or two and frustrate us all.
We did have a productive time of school that afternoon~thank goodness! I should mention that this week we mostly played catch-up on our school schedule from last week. But that's okay, we're getting right back on track. I think it's better to take things a little more slowly to get back into our schedule rather than trying to cram so much into a day or two and frustrate us all.
The kids had a blast making puppets in their crafts class. They each made a sock puppet and a paper bag puppet. Then they created puppet shows for the class~very cute!
I even got in on the fun and made a puppet. Crafts are so addicting, aren't they? I love to join in!
After co-op classes were over we headed over to a favorite area park for a picnic lunch and play time with our co-op friends. I think we're going to make this a regular after-co-op thing for at least through the Spring. It was fun hanging out and talking with the other moms!
We wrapped up things by taking the kiddos to redeem some of their free ice cream coupons at Braum's from their reading program. I love reading programs!
I love participating in co-op~and the kids really love it!~but as you can see from this wrap-up, no school work gets done at home when co-op is in the morning. So starting next week I will be planning a bit better for that through the end of April.
We did have one more field trip planned for tomorrow (Sat), but we have decided that a day of rest at home is in order. No places we have to be, no commitments, just some stuff around the house and some relaxation. We all need it! It's been a bit of a rough week.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!