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The Weekly Wrap-up: Co-op, Dissection & the Weinermobile

Another week in the books!  Overall, it's been a good one.  I can't say that I haven't had some of the usual struggles with my son, but we're working on it.

A couple of weeks ago when I talked with you all about how I was doubting myself I was amazed at your response.  It truly overwhelmed me--and encouraged me--that I am not alone in my struggles.  Thank you, all of you who commented, for being honest about your own daily trials with homeschooling.  Your words really lifted my spirits!  Often when you are at home alone with your kiddos a lot, you can feel as though you are the only one having a rough day (or week!).  It helps so much to know that I have kindred spirits who can empathize with me.  It really does mean so much!

So this week we marched on!

Our week kicked off bright and early on Monday with our co-op classes.  The kids are really loving them!  I have fun, too.  Once again my kids did me proud in their Bible Trivia classes!

Mr. B was pretty excited to take home some "noise putty" as his prize:)

The cooking class made French onion soup and, oh my, was it yummy (yes, I sneaked a bowl).  I was proud of my kiddos for even trying something with the word "onion" in the name.  The Princess really liked it and even Mr. B said it was "okay".  Guess I'll get to start making one of my fave soups again!  

I was very proud of The Princess for trying out for a solo in choir, too.  She was SO nervous, but she did it anyway.  I'm proud of her for facing those fears!

In our regular school work, we had some fun at home, too.  

We wrapped up our Character Sketch study on *Alertness* for the month.  The kiddos and I really enjoy reading the Character Sketch books.  They are just full of wisdom!  

The Princess really picked up the pace with her math this week.  I was really proud of her!  She just tackled it head on every day and really did well.  Mr. B began multiplication this week!  I can hardly believe it.  Singapore math seems to have done a good job of introducing it, even if it seems fast.  And he seems to be keeping up so far--proud of him, too!

This week The Princess began her second Language Arts study with Total Language Plus: The Sign of the Beaver.  The book is really good (I'm reading along, too).  So far, I am still very pleased with TLP.  Mr. B is still doing very well with First Language Lessons.  I like the short lessons, they hold his attention well and he is retaining what he's learned.

Our Apologia botany study is moving right along.  This week we also dissected a flower as part of our lessons.  To be honest, I didn't get quite the right kind of flower to dissect, but between it and some great book illustrations, it worked out fine.  The kids had a great time dissecting!

They also added to their Botany Journals.  I am amazed at the lovely pencil drawings they do!  Such lovely work!

We are just about to wrap up our study of Ancient Rome.  This week we read about the life of Jesus, the early Christians, Nero and Constantine.  Such a fascinating time in history!  I'm so glad the kids love to hear about it.  

They colored and cut out their own puzzles this week:

I am so glad that my children love to create art.  I think they could draw, color, paint or craft all day long!  I enjoy those things, too, but they get their real gift for them from their daddy:)  He is so talented in the ways of art!  Look at them all painting on different projects around the kitchen table.  I love it!

I just had to add in this cute photo, too!  We happened to see the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile on Friday while running some errands.  The kids hadn't seen one before and got a real kick out of it.  

Well, gotta run...we're off to try out one of Lowe's Build & Grow workshops this morning!  Hope you have a great weekend!


Mary said…
Looks like a fun week. I love the Apologia elementary series! Also, last year the Weinermobile came to our little town to film a commercial. It was such a funny sight!
Stefanie said…
Y'all have been doing a lot of awesome stuff this week! Woo-hoo on the weiner mobile. Every time we go home to Michigan we stop at Henry Ford museum to see the original.
Kym said…
What a fun week!! So cool that you got to see the weinermobile!
MissMOE said…
Glad to see you had a good week. Looks like it was filled with lots of fun moments--and the weinermobile is just awesome!
Lisa Boyle said…
What an awesome week! Kudos to your kiddos on the onion soup, choir tryouts and Bible trivia! Great work! :-) We are loving Apologia, as well. My younger two are doing the Land Animals this year and love it. Too cool that you got to see the Wienermobile.

Have a great weekend!
Many blessings,
(visiting from WUH)

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