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Feeling Thankful

So it's already November!  I absolutely cannot believe how quickly this year has gone by.  

And it's not just an adult thing--my kiddos keep saying the same thing.  It makes me a little sad that they feel the years speeding up already.  I think it took me a little longer as a child for that to sink in.  

No doubt it's a sign of the busy lives we lead.  I sometimes long for quiet days with no appointments or obligations.  Days where our time is truly our own and we can take our time doing whatever we want.  Reading books, baking cookies, taking walks....

As homeschoolers, we do have much more control over our time.  But it's almost impossible to not be caught up somehow in the busyness of life in 2016.  It's a fast-paced world we live in here in the United States.

Which is perhaps why I feel a deep longing to savor this Thanksgiving season a little bit more this year.  It just seems that focusing on the gifts in my life is more important than ever.  With so much dissatisfaction in our nation, so much entitlement pervading our lives, so much complaining everywhere you listen, it leaves a bad 'taste' in one's soul if one lets it.
I believe the remedy for this sickness is gratefulness.  

So, my friend, don't rush past this season of thankfulness (which should really be all year round).  Instead let it invade your life.  Take a few moments every day to stop and think of all of your blessings--all of the gifts in your life.  It's so easy to take these for granted.  I'm so guilty of that.  I don't want to be guilty of it anymore.   

So in the morning I will brew my coffee, light my 'honey pumpkin' candle, and sit down for some quite time with God to start my day.  Hopefully I'll pause during my day to remember to be thankful.  Thankful for my children--even when they're pushing all my buttons.  Thankful for laundry, for dirty dishes, for a house to clean up.  Then, as the day comes to a close, I want to pause once again with my children and add another leaf to our garland.  Leaves with verses of thanksgiving.  And hear what they're precious hearts are thankful for.  


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