One of the fun things I got to do this past weekend was do a little baking with my daughter. She'd gotten this adorable child-size baking set for her birthday, complete with apron, oven mitt, potholder, baking pan, spatula and a little baking mix. So we decided to whip up that bread (I loaned her an extra tiny pan that I already had since the mix made two loaves).
She expertly poured the mix into the bowl.
Then she measured the right amount of water to add to the mix.Next we took turns stirring and mixing up the batter. Then we poured it into the little loaf pans.
Ding!! They're ready! She could hardly wait to eat her "bread"!
I added some strawberry jam (because the mix wasn't so tasty without it-ha!) and she proudly served us all using one of her little tea set trays.
I e-mailed you about getting together for lunch on Friday. Let me know what works for you.