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Know & Tell Friday

1. Are you right- or left-handed? Right handed, although my left-handed dad taught me how to tie my shoes and I've been tying left-handed, upside down bows ever since:)
2. Any nicknames I have (or have had) and the story behind them? No, never had a nickname.
3. Do you need to do laundry right now? Actually, I got all caught up yesterday. Now, just don'task about the ironing...
4. What CD is in your CD player/music on your iPod right now? Sara Groves, Corrine Bailey Rae, Toby Mac, Skillet, Pottery Barn Kids oldies, U2
5. How/when did you learn to ride a bicycle? With my dad, when I was seven. It was beautiful green/white/yellow bike with a banana seat and a basket with daises on it!
6. What is your favorite weird food combination? I can't think of a single thing. I'll give it some thought (and quiz my hubby) and maybe update this later.
7. What is something you have that is of sentimental value? Oh my. I'm the queen of keeping things for sentimental value! Off the top of my head, one of my faves is a matted/framed Sunday School card that belonged to my great-grandpa. It used to hang in my grandpa's bedroom and when he died it was given to me. It has the picture of a little cottage on it with I Cor. 13: 13 on it.
For more *Know & Tell* fun, head over to Reese & Heather's place, Kicking it in Crazyville.


Anonymous said…
No nicknames? I teach the teen girls at church and they all ask me to give them nicknames. I don't know what it is about having a different name :)
What an awesome keepsake from your great-grandpa! I have a decorative plate with The Lord's Prayer on it that belonged to my GG (great-grandma). I love the history!

I LOVE TobyMac! I listen to his newest album quite frequently.

Bless you, Lora. have a great weekend.

Nancy said…
Well, it's not really a nickname, but honestly I thought your first name was "Lora-Gale" until we were probably in jr high or high school!

I love TobyMac, too. I was just thinking the other day I haven't heard much of him in AGES...I need to check out some of his recent stuff.
Betsy Brock said…
I loved this...makes me know you just a little better! :) I love old sentimental things, too. The framed card sounds so sweet!

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