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Ah, it was good to sleep in my own bed last night. There's something so cozy about that after being away a few days.

We had a good trip to Arkansas. Our family time was really fun! However, the other details didn't work out like we had hoped and planned, so that was disappointing. God is in control though!

Thanks to everyone who wished me a wonderful birthday on Sunday! I had a very nice day! I thought I'd show you a few of my birthday goodies.

Look at these adorable silhouettes that my sister painted from some of our snapshots. She's so creative!

Isn't this the cutest bath set from my bro & sis-in-law? Can you tell that it's citrus scented?

They also included this cute set of recipes called The Chocolate Deck. Can't wait to try some!

Here are some of the goodies from Vince & the kiddos. The cd is I {heart} Revolution from Hillsong United--it's awesome!! And I've already started reading The Secret Life of Bees, that way I'll be ready to watch the movie next month.

And look what my parents got me! Earlier in the year a friend who owned a wonderful shop decided to change her career course and closed out her shop. Mom knew how much I loved that shop and told me to go pick something out for her to buy me for my b-day. I picked out these gorgeous Spode canisters in the Blue Italian pattern:

I left them all packed up though, since we'll hopefully be moving soon. But I can't wait to unpack them and enjoy them soon!

Well, the kitchen timer is going off...time to take out the french toast! Have a great day!

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