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Crazy Southern Weather and a Prayer Request

I don't know about the weather where you are, but our weather here in Alabama is crazy! Although that's fairly typical of the South--if you don't like the weather today, stick around because it'll change by tomorrow.

Yesterday my kiddos were running around the park in shirt sleeves in 73 degree weather!! Yes, I said 73 degrees!! It was an unusual January day, to say the least.

Today it's.....snowing!

Of course, the ground is too warm for it all to stick and accumulate, but we are getting a little dusting. Which is something to celebrate here in the Deep South where we almost never see any snow at all. We're more accustomed to ice storms around here, but we haven't seen one of those this year (and I hope we don't!).

Our extended families on both sides are all iced and snowed in over in Oklahoma and Arkansas. We are praying that their electricity stays on.

We are also praying for Vince's sister. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are expecting their first baby next week. She has developed whooping cough though and is having a pretty hard time getting over it. She's been fighting it since last fall. Since she's pregnant they can't give her the usual treatments. This week she is on bedrest until her scheduled c-section next Tuesday. We would appreciate your prayers that she will get well quickly and everything will go smoothly with the birth of their baby.


Anonymous said…
I am with you in your prayers.
Jamie said…
That is seriously crazy weather! Not so crazy where I'm at...just cold.

I'll be praying as well!
Betsy Brock said…
Yes, praying...wooping cough and 9 months pregnant....sounds awful! That baby will be so used to her coughing that it will need that sound to fall asleep!

Enjoy your dusting of snow!
Praying with you for your SIL. The weather has been very strange. We usually get snow but there has been none and you usually don't and you have some. Very strange!
Roberta Anne
Kayren said…
That is some crazy weather, Lora. I remember living in Baton Rouge and having some warm weather, but not quite the swings like you're having.

I've been coughing up a storm where it hurts deep in my chest. I've never had that before and it's new to me. I can't imagine having a bad cough and being ready to have a baby. Praying for your SIL's health and the health of the new little life she is about to bring into the world. You still get to go be there?

By the way, some of my family is without power in north central Arkansas. They live in the same subdivision, but in different parts, so they have different power company providers. My mom and grandma have power; my aunt doesn't. But they are losing all the beautiful trees, and since it's the Ozarks, you know how many beautiful trees there are.
I pray your SIL has a real peace about all this. It must be getting on her nerves with all the coughing. I pray the little baby is doing good and the time goes fast for her. Make sure we get to see pics of that little cute baby.Yes, our weather is crazy.
Nancy said…
Wow...snow in Alabama....who'da thunk it? I talked to Carmen today and it was 75 degrees in Georgia. We have 3 inches of snow and it was 20 degrees!

We will be praying for Vince's sister...what a difficult time for them. Please keep us posted.
I am praying for you sister-in-law and brother-in-law. I can't wait to see pictures of your new niece or nephew next week. :)
steviewren said…
I hope all is going well with your SIL. My daughter is due on the 9th. I know she would be miserable if she was sick too. I'll say a prayer for mother and baby too.

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