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Korean Grilled Chicken

Korean Grilled Chicken
(Country Kitchen Collection *Great on the Grill*)

1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup light soy sauce
1/4 cup corn oil
1/4 cup sesame seeds
1 sm. onion, chopped
1 lg. clove garlic, minced
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. grated fresh ginger
8 boneless chicken breast halves
At least 3 hours ahead: combine first 8 ingredients in a shallow baking dish. Add chicken, turning to coat with marinade. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours, turning occasionally. Remove from marinade. Grill over hot coals 30 minutes; turning and basting. Serves 4.

I served it with Sesame Almond Salad and...

Roasted Potatoes
(from my friend Kathy)

1 1/2 lbs. new or red potatoes
3/4 lb. shallots, peeled & halved (regular onions substitute nicely)
2 tbls. vegetable oil
1 tbls. balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. salt
Heat oven to 425F. Half the new potatoes or cut up the red potatoes. Add the other ingredients to them and toss all together well. Pour into a baking dish and bake for about 45 minutes until potatoes are tender and golden brown. You may want to stir the potatoes once or twice during the baking time. Makes 8 servings.


Betsy Brock said…
Mmmm! I could eat that whole plate right now! I just love marinated meat on the grill. Nothing better!
Michelle M. said…
Oh, yum! I never cook with shallots; this could be an excuse to do that :)
Kayren said…
Everything on that plate looks yummy. I'll have to try the potatoes, and I have a recipe similar to the Korean chicken, from a Korean lady early on in our military assignments (like 1988). I haven't made it in years! I'm going to have to pull that out and see what the kids think. Then I'll post it and we'll compare ingredients.
my kiddos actually really liked the chicken, especially my son (who is the pickiest of the two:).
mmmmm mmm. I love korean BBQ restaurants too. this looks awesome.

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