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We're Officially Moved

Well, it's over. At least the moving part.

Well, almost the moving part. Vince is coming with the final load today.

But I got here yesterday! I seriously thought the packing would never end. I mean, who know we had so much....ahem.....stuff. By Tuesday night when I finally crashed in a hotel bed after midnight I could no longer feel my feet~they were just numb!

I wish you could have seen me today, driving our pickup truck with a backseat full of 13 potted plants: 2 houseplants, 1 pot of flowers and 10 tomato and pepper plants. It was like a garden nursery in there! They seem to have fared well on the trip and I really do hope so because they have been doing great. There are the cutest little tomatoes and peppers growing all over them.

(On a sidenote: I'd love to know what you recommend for an organic/all-natural pest control for the veggie plants. Please tell me!)

I am so ready to get crackin' on the unpacking now! My sweet mom went over to the house this week and cleaned all the cabinets and lined them with shelf paper for me. So they're all ready for me to fill up:) And fill them up I will!

Just thought I'd show you a pic of the house we have leased. It's a downsize for us~we're losing about 400 sq. ft. in the house, plus a tool shed and a huge attic. But we are gaining a garage and I do like the house. I think it's going to work well for us for now. The yard is sort of the sad part. It's really tiny and there are NO trees. No anything really. Just a few shrubs and a bed of weeds in the front. We've definitely got some yardwork to do! It's always fun to have a clean slate to do whatever with though, right?! And there's all those apple seeds that my kiddos have insisted on saving, too....

I promise to not be so scarce from now on. Now that most of the crazy part is over, I can get back to regular blogging. I've really missed it! There are lots of post ideas in the cooker:)


Betsy Brock said…
The house is beautiful! I'm sure you will get it feeling like home in no time! How exciting to walk into a clean slate and putter around, unpacking all of your things. Just take your time and enjoy it! :)
Kayren said…
The house is really nice, Lora. I'm sure you'll find something really nice to do with the flower bed area. And I think you're going to love having a garage. Whenever we've not had one we've missed it. We've also had yards with no trees, but my kids haven't minded...they still played out there just as much. But if I'd had plants out there, they would have been whacked and killed by balls, so never mind.

I know it's nice for you just to have your house sold and be back in Arkansas with your family. Congratulations again! Can't wait to see what you're doing with the inside and with the loft beds.
Heather said…
I love the house Lora, it's very beautiful!! Glad the plants survived the trip :)

steviewren said…
I'm glad to hear you are there in your new house. It is as cute as it can be. I don't think it will take much to make it feel like home.
Stephanie said…
I'm so glad you guys are almost finished moving. It has been an adventure just seeing your updates on twitter and facebook :)

I think Alabama is having better weather for the plants! I too would like to know what to do about pests. I caught birds on my tomato plant. I just don't think the little guy is going to survive.
Unknown said…
Wow, Lora, I love the house. I know the yard will be sorely missed! Tell the kiddos hello for me,and if you can, give me your address. I know Mr. B has a birthday coming up really soon!
Lisa said…
The house is beautiful...even if it is a downsize! You have a great attitude about the *clean slate* yard :) What a sweet mother you have!
Michelle M. said…
Glad that you made it!! The house is beautiful. I hope you will enjoy sprucing up the yard :)
Nancy said…
Hey! Sorry I've missed so much of your moving "process." Glad you're finally 'home' and getting settled!

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