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My Nativities

I know I've blogged about my nativities before but this year I was able to add a couple to my collection and I just have to share. I found this sweet, colorful nativity in Mexico City when we were there this past summer. I just couldn't pass it up, it was so different from my others.


This is my other new one. Vince brought it back for me from Guatemala (yeah, he did great, didn't he?!). The detail in the pottery is so charming.


Here is a teeny, tiny nativity that was given to me by a friend. It's Mexican, made from pottery. It's adorable!


This beautiful nativity was given to me by my mother-in-law a few years ago. I believe it's made from alabaster.


This very miniature creche is from Guatemala and is made from pottery. The top of the church actually comes off and inside is the holy family.


Here is a little treasure from Peru. It's a tiny wooden box and when you open the doors it reveals the holy family.


Here is a folk art nativity that I bought at the shop where I worked before having kiddos. I think it was the bottle brush trees that I couldn't resist.


When I was a little girl my mom had a nativity just like this. When I found this vintage, plastic nativity in an antique shop, I knew it had to come home with me.

A couple of years ago I bought two of these little nativities for the kiddos. They each have one in their rooms.

Here is a little set of nativity ornaments that the kiddos like to play with.

This is nativity belongs to The Princess. It looks so sweet in her room.

Mr. B loves playing with this Little People version of the nativity. It was a gift when The Princess was a baby and the kiddos have had enjoyed it year after year now.
Finally, my most special nativity, which was a gift from my husband. He had this one hand-painted for me by a family friend who had made one for my mother years earlier. It's so beautiful and I love it!

I think the Baby Jesus in this set is so sweet! Every year I consider not putting the baby out until Christmas Day, but I just can't resist.
Thanks for sticking with me all the way to the end of this very lengthy and picture-laden post! I've enjoyed sharing one of my favorite collections with you.
This post is linked to Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home.


Diann said…
What a lovely collection!
Hootin Anni said…
Wow...just wow! I especially like the one with the southwest flair.

Mine's posted's another new one for my collection of Holiday Decor..La Befana
Hallee said…
Beautiful collection.
My mom has a nativity collection from around the world. I love going to her house at Christmas and rediscovering them still.
Anonymous said…
I loved your post; there IS a reason for the season. Thank you!
Kari said…
I love your collection. And, thanks for the reminder! I'm digging mine out today. =)
steviewren said…
Like you I have a collection of nativity sets too. My Peruvian set is my favorite, with my tiny pink Mexican set a close second. I also have a larger Fontini set that I bought myself around 12 years ago. I looked everywhere this year for my Veggie Tales set for Elijah to play with. After lots of fruitless looking I decided that I might have given it to my DIL last Christmas. I gave her another set I had as well...I just don't have enough room for them all.
Kari said…
P.S. I love the palm tree on the one Vince brought you. =)
Kayren said…
I loved looking at all your nativities and hearing the stories behind them.
Vicki said…
Hi, Lora,
Oh my goodness, I loved looking at all of your nativities. Each one so unique and so special. You have brightened my day by showing them to us!! After all, this is what Christmas is all about! Vicki
A Hint of Home said…
Wow, you do have quite a collection. Each one is unique and charming. I love the one your hubby just gave you. He did good.
TQ said…
What a wonderful collection you have.

Thank you for sharing them with us; have a GRAND weekend.
Anonymous said…
Love all your nativities! I have one in each room to remind me the reason and true meaning of Christmas-

What a great collection. It's nice to see so many interpretations of the nativity.
Denyse said…
Came over from the Tour of Homes but when I saw you had a nativity collection, I HAD to see it. Lovely! I have that same little Peruvian Holy Family, but mine live in an intricately decorated gourd. Thanks for sharing!
Gina said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I had to check out our similar nativities. Yours is beautiful-I love the colors on it!

I visited your home post, and your house looks beautiful too-so cozy and comfortable!

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