This past week I have been reminded of the importance of the *little things*. No, nothing terrible happened or anything like that, I've just been more aware.
0261. air-conditioner on a very hot day
0262. home-cooked food
0263. hearing my children giggle
0264. a good night's sleep
0265. good clothes to wear
0266. a {paid-off} car to drive
0267. health
0268. an unexpected rain shower
0269. great books to read
0270. my family
0261. air-conditioner on a very hot day
0262. home-cooked food
0263. hearing my children giggle
0264. a good night's sleep
0265. good clothes to wear
0266. a {paid-off} car to drive
0267. health
0268. an unexpected rain shower
0269. great books to read
0270. my family