I mean, I realized April showers bring May flowers, but there better be some flowers on steroids after the rain we've had this month!
It's been a while since I remember having such a rainy~and very storm~spring here in Arkansas. I'm so ready for the tornado season to end. It's not fun. At all. And it terrifies my Princess.
So far we've only hauled them out of bed to the *safe place* once. But last night I was hosting our homeschool group's Moms Nite Out and Vince had taken the kiddos to Chuck E. Cheese. Then the storm swept in (tornadoes are fast, you know). They ended up spending part of their time at CEC sheltered in a closet~the sighted tornado was right by where they were. And I spent the time storm-watching on the front porch with my fellow homeschool moms.
We Arkansans are great about protecting our children, but ourselves not so much. By the time you're an adult here you're pretty well used to the whole tornado drill. You know when to take it very seriously, but the rest of the time you continue on with what you're doing.
We've also been having flash floods. The rain has been what-feels-like incessant! Yesterday was the first day of sunshine in many a day and it was SO good to see it! We desperately need to dry out.
Of course, lots of rain does tend to show you lots of character traits about a new abode. For instance, we've discovered that when our backyard is saturated the water stands several inches deep on our patio...then drains down into the under-the-house vents that are on the patio...which then in turn drains out...through the garage. Fun stuff. We sandbagged those vents yesterday. It's a good thing because we've had one storm since then and today looks nice and rainy.
Thankfully we've had no other problems, even though we're awaiting a new roof on the house.
And in more good news, the gold fish have not floated right out of the several-times-over flooded pond. The tadpoles, on the other hand, don't have the good sense to stay in. I'm sure they're thinking "hey look, a bigger pond!" ha
Spring has been a fickle friend this year. What kind of weather has Spring brought you?