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The Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where I Doubt Myself

I'm thankful to wrap up yet another week of homeschooling.  I have to be honest, this week had some great moments, but it also had some very rough moments, too.  I mean it when I say I have really been doubting myself.  

Even though we had started back to school last week it seemed like the kids still had *holiday brain drain* this week.  I am thinking of what we might be able to switch and change up in order to break out of a possible rut.  I was all lesson-planned out and ready to go, but when the kids bog down it is so frustrating.  

I am still searching for that motivator for my son, too.  He isn't always motivated by reward, nor he is really motivated by the threat of punishment.  He's pretty stubborn--much like myself.  That's why we go head-to-head so often, I think.  Neither one wants to give in or compromise.  But that's unproductive, right?  

I found myself having to apologize to my children several times this week: for losing my temper, for yelling, for acting like I tell them not to act (wonder where they get it, huh?).  And that's when I begin to doubt myself.  Making stupid mistakes over and over again does tend to make one feel like a loser and a failure.  

But that's when I have to humble myself, apologize, ask their forgiveness and start fresh.  Thank God that my children are very quick to apologize in return and give their forgiveness--along with hugs and kisses.  What precious gifts from God I have been blessed with; what treasures!  I am so grateful for them every day, even when they're driving me crazy:)  

Oh--and have I mentioned just how challenging it is trying to do school work while a puppy is chewing on your feet or peeing on the carpet or chewing up the computer cords or whining to go out?!?  I do love the little fur ball, but she is a huge distraction at this stage.  I keep telling myself: "she'll grow out of it soon", "she'll grow out of it soon"...;)  Good thing she's so cute!

Here are the highlights from our week:

This week kicked off the very first co-op classes that our new homeschool group has ever had!  There are four classes offered:  Bible Trivia, Sign Language, Cooking and Choir.  My kiddos couldn't have been more excited!  We have really missed our co-op with our previous homeschool group back in AR.  The main thing that has thrown me for a loop with our new co-op is that we are meeting on Mondays.  Have you ever known a homeschool mom who liked to go somewhere on a Monday morning?!  I sure haven't!!  At least not before now--ha!  Needless to say this is a great challenge for me since Mondays are usually my *ease into the week, don't leave the house* day.  The classes were a lot of fun and my kids loved them--and I did, too!  I am assisting in the Bible Trivia class and couldn't have been prouder of how well my kiddos did in there.  I'm their mom, so I can brag a little, right?  

 (Mr. B in his sign language class)

(The Princess in choir)

Back at home in other schooling...

All subjects are progressing nicely--at least the basic ones.  I've slacked a bit on a few of our extra-curricular subjects such as French and Art.  But it was just our second week back into the swing of things since the holidays so I'm feeling pretty good about what's been accomplished.  

 (the kiddos wearing their Roman laurel wreaths for history)

On Friday our monthly homeschool group meeting was cancelled due to snow, even though we didn't really get too much.  However, my kids made the absolute most of what we did get.  They got our their new snow saucers, built a mini snowman, had snowball fights, made {grassy} snow angels and more!  Holly, our new puppy, wasn't so impressed with the snow though.  It was funny to see her try to rush back inside to get away from it.  

After all the snow play we took the kids to see Beauty and the Beast in the theater.  They've seen it before, but I remember seeing it in the theater and how wonderful it was (Belle is my favorite Disney princess:).  It was fun to watch it again on the big screen!  Made me flashback to my college days.  

Now I'm ready for the weekend!  Vince's sister and her family are coming from OK to visit for a couple of days so that will be fun.  The kiddos can't wait to play with their cousin:)  And, of course, company coming always ensures that the house is {mostly} clean and the laundry is caught up, right?  That's a great way to start the weekend!  I hope you enjoy yours!


B. Martin said…
Oh a new puppy! We got one 2 days before Christmas so I feel your pain :)! Thank you for being honest about your doubt. I am new to homeschooling! We started Kindergarten this week, I am s struggling with, are we going to be ok? Am I doing the right thing? It i nice to read that it isn't just me. Have a great time with Family!
Marie said…
Loved this was so me :) I have the same weeks that you described above and the same weaknesses. My children become unmotivated easily as well. I tell them "Sorry school isn't as fun as you'd like but at least it's only a few hours of the day. You could be standing in the cold at 7am waiting for a bus and not getting home until 4pm. Then working on homework another hour or two in the evening." They finally are starting to 'get it' that school is a necessary evil. And they actually like parts of it (Sonlight...we all love the reading). As for my weaknesses, I'm still in learning mode when it comes to my tongue and temper but I do see God working in my life in this area (I'm afraid to say too much because it's so unbelievable, I've been praying about this for years!)
Also, just like you, I hate going any where on a Monday and Belle is my favorite Disney Princesss :) Have a great weekend and enjoy your family. (Thanks for visiting my blog)
Stefanie said…
Sounds like something I could've written. That's the thing about homeschooling, they don't pick up a lot of bad habits from 30 other kids but they sure do pick up ours. Sigh...
Laura said…
Is it bad that I am encouraged by your discouragement? This week, I've been tempted to start checking out the want ads, looking for a job outside this house! But instead, I'm going to take some deep breaths, try to get more sleep, and keep moving forward. Thank you for your honesty!
A Dusty Frame said…
Sounds like my weeks;0 Always looking for ways to not blow my top;0!
Lizzie TOS Crew
Ellen said…
Hi Lora! I am well acquainted with self-doubt, unmotivated kids, AND homeschooling with a new puppy, which we've done twice because we are insane. You're right: all we can do is ask for forgiveness, rely on God, and move on in faith. I like Marie's comment about school being a necessary evil: frankly, if it were left up to my girls, they'd play Wii and watch TV all day. Unschooling is not a good option for us!
Kathy said…
Oh Lora, I have to be honest with you ... I've been doubting myself so much lately too! My second born is JUST like your second born and it seems that every single day we have tears and struggles. I keep thinking, maybe I just can't be the one to teach her effectively, but then i panic when I think about putting her in school because I feel like she would get eaten up in school and would fall behind because of her lack of motivation and desire! I just get so frustrated and worry about what to do and how to help her succeed! Funny thing is, for all the struggles she IS learning a ton [somehow} because she remembers stuff like crazy! But I just wish the process wasn't so difficult. Anyway, I sympathize and if you come across anything that works I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!
Jennifer said…
Brain drain, that sounds like our whole family. Ugh! I wish my kids would only ever pick up my good habits.
While I'm sure the puppy can be a distraction sometimes, she sure looks adorable!
Kym said…
We have the same issues in trying to keep everyone (including me!) motivated! The puppy is adorable - no wonder she is a bit of a distraction!
Wow, you guys had a busy week! Your puppy is so cute. We got ours when our dd was just 1 1/2 so I didn't have puppy duty during school. Hope that puppy stage passes quickly!

And I like to stay in on Mondays too. I get all the housework I can done on Mondays and she gets lots of school done. Maybe they will change the day later on. ;)
Unknown said…
It is *so* hard to train babies in the right way - when we haven't quite figured it out ourselves, isn't it?! I struggle, too, being patient, watching how *I* speak to the children, so they will speak more kindly to their siblings. I cringe when I hear them snap at each other and realize they heard me do the same thing! We can just pray that God will continue to work with us, huh?!

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