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We Choose Virtues {review:take 2} & Giveaway!

This past year our family was introduced to We Choose Virtues and I have shared with you before about this curriculum.  I am really excited to share more with you today (and also a giveaway!).  

I was thrilled to receive a set of their faith-based parenting cards.  These cards are made from high-quality heavy paper and are nicely sized (8.5"x5.5").  The full-color front of the card features a kid from *Virtueville* along with a virtue, a catchphrase to help you remember the virtue, and also a Bible verse to help reinforce the virtue.  The back of the card (especially for the parent) includes a "virtue user challenge" for the whole family, teachable moments ideas, and even an "what to say after 'I'm sorry'" section to encourage proper correction.  These cards are available for $34.99.

We Choose Virtues uses 3 main icons to teach virtues: a caterpillar, a butterfly, and a magnifying glass.  The caterpillar simply means there is room for improvement: "I don't have to stay the same, I am born to change".  The butterfly stands for making the right choice to choose virtue.  And the magnifying glass says "I will never stop looking for the virtue in you".   

These icons really come into play with the next product we received from We Choose Virtues: 100 Days of Virtue Chart with Butterfly Stickers.  This poster is also made from high-quality paper and measures 11"x17".  This chart will help your family have a great visual reminder of how they are doing on growing in virtue.  As your children are showing growth in different virtues you simply place a butterfly sticker over the appropriate caterpillar to show they are growing and changing.  When all of the caterpillars have transformed into butterflies you will have achieved 100 days of virtue!  That's definitely cause for celebration!  This chart is available for $13.99.

This is their Kids Virtue Poster, which retails for $14.99.  It measures 11"x17" and it, too, is printed on heavy, high-quality paper.  It has all 12 of the virtues this program focuses on along with their catchphrases.  I love how colorful it is!  It's a great way to have a reminder hanging around to reinforce having virtue.  

My children are benefiting so much from learning about virtues.  This is a daily process in our home--for me, as well.  We all need to be reminded about certain virtues sometimes, don't we?  Even though the target age for this curriculum is Early Education through Elementary, I believe that all families can benefit from it.  I am so pleased with all of the products I have seen from We Choose Virtues.  This product was developed by people who love children and truly desire to see them grow their best potential.  I hope you will take the time to visit their website and learn more about their products.  

We Choose Virtues has shared a special promotional code that you can use when checking out your purchase on their site: VIRTUE20.  When you use this code you will receive 20% off of your shopping cart!  

If you are a teacher in a school, We Choose Virtues also has some amazing classroom kits.  They are offering a special on those as well through September.  Use the promotional code START25 to receive 25% off any kit over $99.  

Now, for the GIVEAWAY....
We Choose Virtues has also graciously allowed me to giveaway one of these posters here on my blog!  

You can have a chance to win this poster by:

1. Leaving me a comment telling me which of these posters you would most like to win (required)

For extra entries you may have more chances to win by:

2. Following my blog either by Google Friend Connect or Linky Followers (see right side bar) and leaving me a comment saying so
3. "Liking" My Blessed Life's Facebook page and leaving me a comment saying so
4. "Liking" We Choose Virtues' Facebook page and leaving me a comment saying so

Make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry above that you do~thank you! :)

**And if you are NOT a blogger, please make sure to leave an email address with your name so that you can be contacted if you win!  Thanks so much:)

The winner of this giveaway will be announced on Monday, July 23rd.

Disclaimer: I received the Faith-Based Parent Cards, 100 Days of Virtue Chart and Kids' Virtue Poster from We Choose Virtues in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.  

Giveaway Day


Unknown said…
I would love to win the Kids Virtue Poster!
Unknown said…
I follow you on GFC. liberty boblett
Unknown said…
I "liked" My Blessed Life on Facebook!
Unknown said…
I "liked" We Choose Virtues' on Facebook!
I'd really like the Kids Virtue Poster.
I like your blog page on FB.
I like We Choose Virtues on FB.
Julie said…
I would love to win the Kids Virtue Poster.
Julie said…
I am following you on GFC.
Julie said…
I like WCV on FB.
Julie said…
I liked you on FB.
nogmamme said…
I liked we choose virtues
nogmamme said…
I liked my blessed life
nogmamme said…
I liked my blessed life
Anonymous said…
Definitely the Kids Virtue Poster!
Dear Anonymous:

Please leave some contact information if there is no link with your comment sign-in.

Thank you:)
grfric said…
Would love to win the Kids Virtue Poster for my Aspie daughter. Visuals work the best!
Unknown said…
I would love to win the Kids Virtue Poster!
Unknown said…
I follow your blog on GFC!
Laura Abel
Unknown said…
I like My Blessed Life on facebook!
Laura Abel
Unknown said…
I like We Choose Virtues on Facebook!
Laura Abel
I would like the 100 Days of Virtue Poster! My daughter is a big fan of anything we can put a sticker on!

fannyloo (at) msn (dot) com
I follow you via GFC!
fannyloo (at) msn (dot) com
I "liked" you on FB! Stephanie Long Buckner.
fannyloo (at) msn (dot) com
I like WCV on FB!
fannyloo (at) msn (dot) com
jenn said…
I would love the kids virtue poster.:}
jenn said…
I liked your fb page:}
Jenn D.C.
jenn said…
Liked virtues FB page:}
Jenn D.C.
Amy B said…
I'd like to win the butterfly stickers chart most, but really I want all three.
amy B said…
I followed you on google friend connect.
Amy B said…
I liked the facebook page, yours that is.
Amy B said…
I also "liked" the we choose virtues page on facebook.
Www.justpres said…
I would love to hang the KidsVirtuePoster in our play area! said…
Oops! Try this again. I would love to hang the KidsVirtuePoster in our play area!
Anonymous said…
I love the Kids Virtue Poster.
simpecov at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I liked My Blessed Life's FB.
simpecov at gmail dot com
Anonymous said…
I liked We Choose Virtues FB.
simpecov at gmail dot com
Jessica said…
I would choose the Kids Virtue Poster
Jessica said…
I liked My Blessed Life on Facebook.
Jessica said…
I liked We Choose Virtues on Facebook.
Betsy Price said…
I like the Kids Virture poster
Betsy Price said…
I liked Blessed Life FB
Betsy Price said…
I liked We Choose Virtures on FB
Chris said…
i would like a kids virtue poster
Chris said…
i liked we choose virtues on FB
Chris said…
i followed you on google friend connect
Marsha said…
The kids virtue poster.

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