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What's On My Summer Reading List {2013}

Summertime is not just a good time for my kiddos to pack in some reading time, but it's also a great time for me, too!  I admit, I LOVE to read, but as a wife and mama with lots of commitments I often don't have nearly as much time to read as I would like.  But summer is more of a relaxed time for me and I can enjoy having some extra reading~yea!

I've been downloading lots of freebies for my Kindle lately and getting some good recommendations from friends, so I've got plenty to keep me reading for quite a while.

There are several specific books that I really want to be intentional about reading this summer though and I thought I would share them with you today.

1. Unglued, by Lysa TerKeurst: I am actually reading through this as part of a summer book study that I'm leading for the women at our church. I'm loving it so far!  It is really speaking to me about some areas in which I am so wanting to see some personal growth.  

2. Desperate, by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson: I have just begun to read this book and am definitely enjoying it so far.  I love Sally's books and have read several of her others, so I was excited about reading this book she has written with Sarah Mae.  


3.  Shepherding a Child's Heart, by Tedd Tripp: I've heard great things about this book for a while now, but haven't had a chance to read it yet.  I always love to read godly input on how to parent better and am looking forward to this read.

4. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald: I've never read this American "classic"--or even this particular American author.  So when I heard about the movie, I thought to myself I need to check out the book first.  Now, I'm not a big fan of some of the modern American authors (Steinbeck, Hemingway) that I've read thus far, so I don't know how I'll feel about Fitzgerald.  But I do want to at least give our most famous American authors a fair shake and so this book is on my list for this summer.

5. Sparkly Green Earrings, by Melanie Shankle: I've also heard great things about this new book by the author of the blog, Big Mama.  It's a memoir and if it's half as good as her blog, I'm sure it will be wonderful.  

6. The Original Homeschooling Series, by Charlotte M. Mason: This is a freebie I downloaded recently and really want to read.  I have read about Charlotte Mason's educational theories, but have not yet read any of her personal works.  Her ideas intrigue and challenge me and I'm looking forward to learning more of what she believes about education.

7.  Educating the Wholehearted Child, by Clay and Sally Clarkson: This is a re-read for me.  In fact, I try to read it each summer before we go back to homeschooling in the fall.  I always glean nuggets of wisdom from this amazing book (my very favorite homeschooling book) and learn something new each time I read it. It's a great refresher course for me as a homeschool mom!

So there are the top 7 books on my proverbial nightstand this summer.  Hopefully I'll get even more than this read, but you've got to start somewhere, right?

I'd love to hear about what you're reading this summer!  Leave me a comment telling me what you recommend~maybe I'll have to add some to this list!

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Anonymous said…
I am reviewing Holy is the Day by Carolyn Weber and it is wonderful. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last week without it, honestly. I have gone very quickly back and forth from crying to laughing out loud throughout reading it. It is set to be released in September, I think. I am also reading the alliterative The Death of Arthur, with the original English on one page and the modern translation on the page opposite. It has been a lot of fun so far!
Hi, Holly,

Thanks for sharing what you're reading! I didn't know you blogged~can't wait to check out your reviews!

Thanks for dropping by:)
Nicole said…
Dawson and I read The Great Gatsby last year. It has TONS of symbolism, so if you aren't good at picking it out for yourself, I would recommend doing a search for study guides for the book and just read through one. The book will have such a deeper meaning to you, if you do.

Just my opinion! :)

I am reading this book along with a friend--who is getting us a guide (we both just started the book). I didn't realize it has so much symbolism in it though so now I'm really glad we're going to use a study guide! Thanks for that tip!
Anonymous said…
I started specifically to have the chance to review Carolyn Weber' s new book, as she is a favorite. I have a few other reviews on there though, and I I love it so I am going to keep reviewing review the books I read, and try o get more advance reviewer copies of new books too. I am : if you are interested. Notice the I for in is missing because of a typo I made when setting up my blog. :)
Thanks, Holly!

Have you looked into sites such as There are some good review programs out there!
Unknown said…
I am reading through Trim Healthy Mama ...No More Fads! by Serene Allison & Pearl Barrett. Revolutionizing my thoughts on nutrition and so much more.
Just finished 7 by Jen Hatmaker.

LOVE Educating The WholeHearted Child, I re-read it all the time as well.

My girlfriends and I read Desperate together last semester and were all so encouraged.

Now I'm diving into Your God Is Too Safe, boy is it a good one so far!!!

Love the list!
Amy J.,

That does sound like a good book! I should probably check that out~thanks for the recommendation!
Bugs and Sunshine,

I have seen lots of people talking about 7 online--it looks good! I haven't heard of Your God Is Too Safe, will have to keep an eye out for that one. Thanks:)
Jennifer said…
I love to see others' reading lists! Yours looks really good. Sparkly Green Earrings is on my list for the summer, as well as a re-read of Educating the WholeHearted Child (one of my all-time favorite homeschooling/parenting books!) I don't have my list in front of me, and of course my mind has gone completely blank...:) I know I downloaded a biography of Ann Judson I want to read soon.
This looks like a great list! I'm reading Sparkling Green Earrings funny! I'm also reading A Minute for Margin (SO needed right now) by Richard Swenson.

As to hear what you're reading!

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