I don't know about you, but some days I just want to throw in the towel with trying to encourage my son in writing exercises. It.can.be.exhausting.
If you read my last end-of-the-week wrap-up, you may have noticed that the writing curriculum that I purchased for this year is not much of a hit at our house. I get nothing but groans and complaints when it's time for it.
And I really have no desire to force them to do something they hate. I want learning to be an enjoyable experience as much as possible.
So I am putting aside this writing curriculum. Maybe for just a while. Maybe for good.
In the meantime, I've been looking for other, more inspiring, writing options--especially for my son. And I decided to pursue some fun-looking Lego-themed writing prompts that I've pinned on my homeschool {Legos} pin board. Because he is completely obsessed with Legos, of course.
Today I tried one out for the first time with Mr. B. It was a HIT!! I printed off a couple of pages from this Fabulous Fall Fun Lego Writing Prompts from Homegrown Learners. I actually had to print off more because he wanted to do the exercise for his entire Lego "family" and not just one minifigure ....haha! He really loved it and is already looking forward to doing more exercises next week!
In face, he was so excited about it that The Princess wanted to get in on the fun, too, even though the exercises are really for younger grades:) She had fun though and got in some extra handwriting practice too.
So, today as we wrap up our day, I am grateful for creative, fun learning methods. I am so incredibly thankful for the flexibility of homeschooling. I am thrilled to be able to customize my children's learning experience.
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